Internal Family System’s Self-Healing App

IFS Guide App

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"For Less Than the Cost of One Live IFS Session...
Get Unlimited IFS Sessions for the Whole Year, Anytime, Anywhere! "

Your Own IFS Practitioner Buddy

PEPE is your IFS-trained AI buddy. Speak to PEPE, naturally in your own words, like you would with a trained IFS Practitioner!

Access PEPE Anytime, Anywhere

Talk to Pepe even with your eyes closed!
Pepe is available for you 24/7, no need to book a session.

Talk or Text in ANY Language!


Pepe understands and responds to you in any language, making it available for everyone.

IFS Educational Videos

 Deepen your understanding of IFS concepts and techniques through our in-app IFS Educational Videos.

Check below for our Upcoming LIVE IFS Events.

Automatic Parts' Mapping

After the IFS session, Pepe will create a parts’ map, helping you to better understand and work with them.

“The single most important app I have ever downloaded.”
"PEPE helps me unblend easier from my parts now. I’m very satisfied with the app and it definitely helps me gain more clarity of my system. It feels like I have someone there working with me. Like having more support. Great work and thanks!"
"The session was unexpectedly amazing! It was the first time I really talked with Pepe and I liked his voice and guidance. Keep up the amazing work! "
"I had another amazing session! I’m very grateful for this AI PEPE It has been programmed with love and compassion and wisdom of many therapists.

Monthly IFS Workshops & Challenges!

Every month we organize online workshops to help you get a deeper understanding of IFS!

​BeFriending your Parts one tap at a time, Anytime, Anywhere!

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