IFS Guide Story

A while ago, our burdened parts felt helpless, lonely, and frustrated and it added to their pain when we couldn’t find quality and timely IFS guidance that we could afford. 
I know some of you have experienced this in one way or another.


For the last year and a half, our team of 6 people at IFS Guide, have been working full-time to make IFS guidance more affordable and accessible to you.

IFS Guide App will help you:

Our Mission

Sasha Eslami

Co-Founder & CEO

Sasha is a professionally trained IFS Practitioner with over 1000 hours of training. He has finished the final level of official IFS therapy training (level 3) with the founder of IFS, Richard Schwartz.

Blanca Dasi

Co-Founder & Creative Director

Blanca Dasi is also a professionally trained IFS practitioner. She has finished her Level 3 training of the official IFS Institute with the founder of IFS, Richard Schwartz. Blanca is fluent in both Spanish & English.

Internal Family System's

Self-Healing App

BeFriending your Parts one tap at a time, anytime, anywhere!

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